Saturday, February 28, 2015

***REVIEW*** Craving Talon:69 Bottles by Zoey Derrick

Craving Talon (69 Bottles, #2)Craving Talon by Zoey Derrick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is Book 2 in the 69 Bottles Trilogy. DO NOT read this book WITHOUT reading Book One. Zoey Derrick also gives a very nice Warning page just in case you missed it...This is a MMF bisexual menage book and I LOVED it. I thoroughly enjoyed Book One but Book Two was even more sizzling hot!

This is the continuing story of 69 Bottles band lead singer Talon, manager Kyle and PR rep Addison as they are on tour with the band. They have developed a budding relationship in Book One and that further develops in this book but on so many higher levels. This is more than just a menage book where they devour one female (don't get me wrong....they totally devour Addison and it is HOT) but the relationships that they have which each other: Talon and Kyle, Kyle and Addison and Addison and Talon, all independently of each other. Kyle and Addison battle their demons of their shared past but in different ways. Addison has grown and moved on from her experience, while Kyle is still blood family and must learn to cope with his brother's death. Talon and Kyle have been friends for a long time since college days and it is awesome to watch their relationship blossom. (Not to mention their intimate scenes are intense!) Aside from these two sexy men, Addison must also face her growing unexpected fame as a singer, after an impromptu performance on stage duet with Talon. Is singing career what she wants? How will this affect her relationship with her men? How will this affect the band?

I absolutely loved this book and the series thus far. I love the character development and how all the characters interact. Although the story is based around the three main players-Addison, Talon and Kyle, the other band members and colleagues such as Cami and Tristan, play huge roles in their interactions with our little menage. While usually rocker romances are not my thing, this book focuses more on the characters and the "business" of the band, rather than the stereotypical "sex, drugs and rock and roll" fangirl stories. This realism drew me further into the story. It is one that every person can relate to, even if you hate rock and roll and like some other variety of music. Zoey Derrick is a truly gifted writer in her detail and storytelling. She definitely has a fan for life! <3

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***REVIEW*** A Month in Savannah by SJ Knight

A Month In Savannah (Savannah, #2)A Month In Savannah by Samantha Knight
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the follow up book of A week in Savannah
A woman in love with two men...two different men in love with one woman. Who will she give her heart too and whose heart will she break? Because keeping both men is not a option.
One month 2 men to date that gave her a free pass to figure out who her heart truly belongs too!
This book is steamy at times I mean how lucky Savannah is 2 gorgeous men pinning for her heart!
At times I felt Savannah was leading the 2 men on...she was selfish and immature. It is a enjoyable read and a great story. I was actually happy when she finally made her choice but have to say surprised they didn't both leave her stranded!

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***REVIEW*** Curing Doctor Vincent by Renea Mason

Curing Doctor Vincent (The Good Doctor Trilogy Book 1)Curing Doctor Vincent by Renea Mason
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book as part of my Book Club so going into this book, I really had no idea what it was about. It was just our chosen book of the week that was gifted by the author for an honest review. So here goes...

Elaine is a PR person for a pharmaceutical company and the book kicks off with her hosting a speaking engagement. Unbeknownst to her, the formulator/creator of said drug is in the audience, Dr. Xavier Vincent. Elaine is both intrigued and surprised that he is in attendance and further that he invites her to celebratory dinner with his team. As personal tragedy and family history plagues her annually, Elaine flees the engagement and later in confronted by Dr. Vincent. He wants to get to know her and what plagues her, but she doesn't want to appear weak. Dr. Vincent accepts her explanation and they part ways.
Shortly thereafter, Elaine is called upon by the Vice President of the company and presented with an invitation to work with Dr. Vincent. Or so she believes....Dr. Vincent did more than create a revolutionary cancer curing drug, he is also a psychiatrist and recognizes a characteristic in Elaine that he wants to explore. ***No Spoilers*** In helping Elaine find peace with herself, will Dr Vincent also be cured of his demons? What agreement will they come to, or will all the pre-laid plans and rules be broken? This arrangement has nothing to do with her job and is given a once in a lifetime opportunity to explore herself for ONE WEEK then return to her life.
I enjoyed this book and look forward to the next installment. I am intrigued by Dr. Vincent's history and how that is going to unfold further. Im curious how Elaine's past will factor into this whole arrangement or if it was just backstory to create "issues" for her. I definitely want more of Marco and Sebastian!!! I hope they play further roles in future installments. The book was definitely steamy and I thoroughly enjoyed the Art History aspect of their interludes.

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The Job VOlume 2 by Dawn Robertson

The Job (Volume 2)The Job by Dawn Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well, we were left severely hanging, at the end of The Job Volume One, wanting more and that is exactly what you will get in Volume 2.

Finally, Maddie is getting her life back in some kind of order...she did make some decisions that basically could caused her to lose a lot and put herself in bad situations. Out of those decisions she found Brian, a man that turned her around, making her feel loved again. This is a new start.
Oh then BOOM things just get crazy! Wow never would have expected and didn't see that coming. *NO SPOILERS!!*
How will Maddie handle this,will she survive it?
This is another great sit on edge of your seat book from Dawn Robertson. Looking forward to Volume 3!!

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Sting by Jennifer Ryder

Title: Sting
Series: Spark #4
Author: Jennifer Ryder
Release Date: February 28, 2015


Going undercover has its challenges. When Detective Ryan Clark is sent to the sleepy coastal town of Fremantle to dismantle the country’s most lethal drug syndicate, it’s worth the risk. Even if he becomes a fatality, in the war against drugs.

Ryan finds himself coming back to the same coffee shop. Blondie, the local barista, has him hot under the collar and reaching for his piece. He knows the attraction isn’t just one-sided.

She’s trying to keep her distance.

It only makes him want her more.

Willow Asher left it all behind, but not by choice.

After two long years, she’s finally getting somewhere. Willow has a busy café with her buxom business partner, Gabby, who is the closest thing she has to family.

Although Willow’s past still plagues her thoughts, she’s determined to have her happily-ever-after. As soon as her demons stop haunting her.

What she doesn’t need is the complication of Mr Sexy-Brown-Eyes, who seems to be drinking more and more coffee.

She doesn’t want the questions.

She’s still trying to get her story straight.

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From 6pm EST on Saturday, February 28

Special guests include:

Lila Rose
Becca Lee
TJ Hamilton
Kate McCarthy
Stephanie Smith
Max Henry
EM Abel
Simone Nicole
Carmen Jenner
Kirsty Dallas
Lauren McKellar

Also Available




 Author Bio

New Adult and erotic romance writer, and author of the Spark series.

A sexy imagination, a life-long love of books and a sucker for romance, Jennifer Ryder couldn't stifle her creativity any longer.

Writing steamy adult romance has become her new focus. Living on a rural property in New South Wales, Australia, she enjoys the best of city and country.

Her loving husband is ever willing to provide inspiration, and her two young cherubs, and sheep that don't see fences as barriers, keep life more than interesting.

Jennifer placed third in the International Stringybark Erotic Short Fiction Award 2013.

 Author Links


Jaded by Desire by Desiree A Cox

Jaded by Desire
by Desiree A. Cox
Series: Lust, Desire and Love Trilogy, Book 2
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: March 28, 2015

Nikki's life was changing. She was in love, she was getting married and she was going to have the baby that she never expected she'd have.

Everything was perfect.

Or was it?

Everyone has secrets, those hidden parts of our past we don't ever want  to be discovered.

Nikki and Jeff's love will be tested.  Is their love strong enough to survive the secrets that come out?

Desiree was born and raised in Iowa.

She married her high school sweetheart and moved to the Philadelphia area after high school and has been happily married for over twenty-five years. She’s the mother of two sons and a daughter.

She writes Erotica and is looking to expand into the thriller/suspense genre in the near future.

Desiree enjoys family time, traveling and spending time at the beach.

Her debut book is Twisted By Desire.

Amazon ~ Goodreads ~ Website
Join Desiree's Street Team: The Twisted Crew

Accepting Cherry by Chrissy Snyder

Twirl me around and watch me spin, a modern day princess lives within…

Charisa has a perfect life. Just like her favored Princesses, she is living the life every girl dreams of: her very own fairytale, but even the sweetest fairytales must come to an end. When happiness is at its peak, fate steps in and one by one she loses everything.

Picking up the pieces to a broken life can be long and bumpy. Most often than not things get worse before they get better.

Despite her despair and the hell she’s been drug through time and time again, she finds love and begins to plan a future as none other than Mrs. Prince Charming. Convinced she’s going to finally get her happily ever after fate steps in once again and she suffers betrayal and shame at the greatest degree.

Will she give the idea of love a second chance and find her one and only or will her dark secrets prevent her from truly finding herself?


Behind every prince is a story left untold. 
Look behind the mask and you’ll see it unfold…

Sawyer has lived a charmed life. He’s the catch every girl is after when dreaming of her very own storybook ending. In real life, though, nothing is like it is in a fairytale. One childhood event can forever affect how a man looks at love and relationships, even a golden guy like Sawyer. 

Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Isn’t that what everyone has always taught in history class? He doesn’t have time for love or commitment.
Even the most skeptical with love can sometimes find it in the strangest of places, when that one special someone catches his eye, suddenly leaving him dazed and confused.

The only way to reap the benefits of true love is to put your own demons behind and give love a shot…

When secrets start to arise will the two beat the odds or part ways and let it destroy them both?

             Tonight is a big night. I’ve taken my time to ensure that I look good.  I stare in the mirror as I admire the new lingerie I have to wear tonight.  I used my uniform allowance to get this sexy getup.  Roger expects us to always be fresh, never wearing the same outfit within a month rotation because of the regulars. There are no lower class sleezeballs here.  This is where the big dogs come out and play.  This is the most private club in town.  If you knew who some of our highest paying customers were you would know why. 
I have a birthday party that’s reserved the front table of the stage tonight, a group of ten men, all drunk off their asses already I’m sure.  I could tell when I peeked out the door as they arrived that a few of them are newbies by their drooling, excited demeanor.  This is what makes my job interesting and fun:  breaking them in.  A man gets a good first time and they’ll be coming back for more, meaning more cash for me.  I place my tall heel into the seat of my chair and rub baby oil down my leg, giving me a sexy edge.  Plus, it keeps the hands from going past the point of restriction. 
            I finish the other leg and take one final look in the mirror.  It’s a sexy version of a clown; a white baby doll trimmed in all of the bright colors. The birthday hat and the sexy makeup top it off.  My ruffle front thong is orange and it is the final dessert of the hour.  I paint my lips with a matching cherry-red lipstick like my name and smack them in the mirror.
            “Cherry, you’re up in ten.  Don’t keep them waiting.  This is my biggest payout of the night.”
            I roll my eyes in the mirror at the sound of Roger’s voice as he pokes his head inside the door.  Show the man green and he’d lease us out in private hotels I’m sure.  He would never admit that though. 
            “I’ll be right out, Roger.” 
            He likes me though, because something about my pretty face keeps his pockets full.   I’ve already been up on stage a few times tonight, so for now I’ll be circulating the room.  “Showtime,” I mumble, and strut out into the club, ready for action.
            The club is packed with businessmen lingering in various sections of the club. I love weekends. It’s when all of the high rollers come out to play. They each have a different story: some leaving their wives at home for a fresh piece, some making this their last stop before walking the aisle, and the rest college kids looking for a little fun. I don’t care what they’re here for as long as their pockets are empty when they leave and they leave everything in the club; after all, I didn’t make them come here.
I look around the room, spotting my party sitting in front of the stage. There are a few cute ones in this batch. This is going to be fun. My eyes lock on one.  He takes me in and gives me a smirk before he starts to approach me. “Hey there, sexy. What can I do for you?”
He broadens his smile and gives me a wad of cash. “I need a favor.”
“Oh yeah. What’ll it be, Darlin’?”
He leans in to whisper in my ear, refraining from touching me because he knows it’s against the rules unless he’s buying a dance. “It’s my boy’s birthday. There is enough there for a hefty tip if you’ll take him to the VIP room for more privacy. I’ve already booked the dance.”
I look around for Roger to confirm. I find him standing across the room and he nods at me, giving me the go ahead. This guy has some nice friends.  A private lap dance is easily a grand and paid up front to Roger.  It is explained that’s before the tip, so this guy knows the rules, meaning he’s been here before. “Okay, sexy, but that’s an awfully generous gift to give someone else. Are you sure you don’t want it for yourself?” He’s cute. I wouldn’t mind giving him the dance.
He leans back to look at me. “As much as I would love to watch you grinding on top of me, my boy comes first, sexy. Maybe another time; I’ll be back.” He winks and backs away with a large grin on his face. I shrug seductively as I watch him leave. His loss.
            I head to the VIP room to get ready for my dance, greeting Gerry at the door.  All private rooms have a bouncer keeping guard to ensure that the women are safe at all times.  As I’m getting my music queued up, I hum softly under my breath and wait for my client to arrive. A few moments in and there is a knock at the door.  I walk over and open it. Greeting me on the other side of the door is an incredibly sexy man.  Hell yes, this is going to be fun.
Something about his face looks familiar, but I can’t place it.  He has dark hair, intense green eyes, and is physically fit by the defined muscle protruding from his fitted shirt.  He must have come here right after work, because he is wearing a suit, but he’s removed the jacket and he rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt, revealing tattoos running up his arms.  I don’t know what it is about a man with rolled up sleeves and tattoos, but it turns me on in a way I don’t understand.  Maybe it’s the business meets bad boy persona.  Whatever it is has me motivated to get closer to him, making my job easier.
 I step aside to let him enter. “Hi, I’m Cherry.”
He studies me for a moment with heated eyes.  The way he looks at me is as if he’s seen me before, like he knows me.
“Hi, Cherry.”  My name rolls off his tongue in the most sexual manner, causing a rush of excitement between my legs.  This is going to be one hell of a night: sexy and seductive. 
The music starts to play and I place one hand in the center of my sexy stranger’s chest, grabbing a handful of black material.  I walk backward and drag him over to the seating area before turning, pushing him backwards until he falls onto the couch behind him, giving me a deep, sexy laugh along the way.
“Damn,” he says, egging me on.  Not wasting any time, I place each hand on the back of the couch to each side of his shoulders and flip my hair from side to side.  It starts the full body roll that follows, pressing each segment of skin to his clothing, ending with my pelvis.  I stand and turn, closing in on him, resting against him in a sitting position.  I shake my ass against his crotch, enjoying the feel of it hardening beneath me.  While cupping my breasts I roll my head back, grinding to the beat of the music.  Turning my head to the side, I watch his eyes glaze over as I touch my body, skimming my hands down in a slow motion.  I continue gyrating on his lap, listening to his breathing pick up, confirming the arousal that is pressing into the crack of my ass.
  I breathe in deeply…. smelling his citrusy aftershave; something I would say is unique to him.  My hormones are quickly running wild, something different than normal. It doesn’t take me long to get lost in the music and this sexy man pressed against my backside as I allow him to become familiar with my body.  Time stands still…for a while.  I hear him grunt, praising me for the havoc I’m causing on his cock and he isn’t even naked. 
I finish out the dance as the song comes to an end, standing and adjusting my outfit.  He stands as I run my fingers through my hair and I watch as he fishes in his pockets.  He pulls out a wad of cash, handing it all to me.  I briefly stare at him in shock, but brush it off and reach for it. He doesn’t immediately turn it loose. 
“How much for house calls?”
I’m about to say something, anything to deny his question, but he beats me to the punch.
“Listen, I don’t usually come to places like this, but I’m here, and now that I am, I kind of like it.  You have a beautiful body.  Let me show you what I can do with mine,” he finishes quietly. 
What a generous man, but I can tell he enjoyed the dance from the large bulge at the front of his pants, so I know what he’s referring to. 
“I don’t think so, sweetie.”
I’m ready to thank him and leave when he grabs my hand, pulling me to him.  He presses his lips to mine before I even know what’s happening.  I can taste the whiskey on his breath.  Poor guy is so drunk I don’t think he knows what he’s asking me, but the way his hands introduce themselves to my backside I can’t be sure.  He pulls away and touches his index finger to my lips, silencing me. 
“Think about it.  The club closes at two.  I’ll be outside waiting if you decide to take me up on my offer.  Sometimes outside of the norm can be freeing…”
He turns and walks away, leaving me standing here alone.  I’m not sure what the hell just happened, but I find myself considering it.  I never do this.  There’s one reason why….”

Chrissy Snyder writes New Adult Erotic romance. She loves tattooed bad boys and misunderstood women with happy ever afters. She divides her time between writing and reading when not loving on her very jealous furbaby, Mylo. If she isn’t writing about heartache or second chances, then she is managing her busy household with her very supportive hubby and two teens. She dreams of travelling to Europe, Costa Rica and Hawaii


Friday, February 27, 2015

The Stars in Her Eyes by Kennedy Kelly

Stars in her Eyes

Kennedy Kelly

A red carpet and one look was all it took to ignite the spark between Sachi Waters and mega-star Drayke Sloan. With a proposition that is typically left in the movies, the two find themselves consuming each other in a whirl wind weekend.

But when Sunday night rolls around, Sachi finds she didn’t just give Drayke her body, but her heart, too. He promised to stay in touch. But after months without a word, she gave up hope.

Until life threw them together again. The spotlight, the fans, their past all working together to keep these two apart. Can their love over come it all?

This book has mature content and is only suitable for those 18 and over.

About the Author

I was born and raised in Kansas City, MO where I grew up with four older brothers. I now reside in Overland Park, Kansas. I'd always loved to write as a child. My teachers would call home not because I was in trouble but because I had a creative imagination and they wanted my parents to know about the crazy stories I was writing. I've always been a hard worker. I started working with my family's company when I was 15 and still haven't stopped. I am a wife, mother of two, hold down a full time job and am now trying to be a indie author. I have a passion for reading and before I started writing I could be found with a Kindle in my hand morning, noon and night. I'm a picky reader so it's hard to please me but I feel like I have a keen eye for a good book.

Connect with Kennedy Kelly on Social Media

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Rendez Vous by Arie Lane

Title: Rendezvous
Author: Arie Lane
Release Date: April 8th 2015
Cover Designed by: Christina Badder of CBB Productions

***WARNING*** This book is intended for 18+ due to strong language, violent scenarios, and sexual content.
This book is the completion to the book Tryst. It is NOT a standalone, and it DOES NOT end in a cliffhanger.
After having the love of his life walk away, Tristan is left with only one option, to find her and bring her home. He finds the help he needs in locating her from a most unexpected source. But no matter how much he wants her by his side, he knows she will never agree, so long as Darla is out there looking to destroy her.
Bentley has made some hard decisions in her life, but none harder than walking away from the one person she's come to love more than life itself. She knows Darla will never stop until one of them is dead. Having Tristan by her side just leaves him at risk, and gives Darla an extra piece of leverage to torment her with.
If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.
Richard Bach
What happens when you just can't let go? When you know without a doubt they belong with you, but will never come back?

Arie Lane is an avid reader and stay at home mom to two beautiful little boys. When not writing or chasing them around she is usually catching up with other Indie authors and constantly keeping up with new blogs. 
She loves to connect with people and is proud that she finally had the courage to put some of her crazy thoughts into written words. From the time she started reading her nose was always stuck in a book and she's couldn't be happier that now she's encouraging others to get their noses stuck also. Even if her readers are of the +18 variety.